Title: Dark Blue: Color Me Lonely
Author(s): Melody Carlson
Kara Hendricks and Jordan Ferguson have been best friends since kindergarten. By now—sophomore year—they're more like sisters, really. Jordan has always been the leader in the friendship, but still she's the perfect friend. That is, until she starts to hang with a new, "cool" crowd and decides that Kara is a popularity liability.
Best Friends forever? Yeah, right.Devastated, Kara feels betrayed and abandoned by everyone—even God. How could Jordan do this? Why did God let this happen? Yet for all the hurt and insecurity, these dark days contain a life-changing secret. Now that Jordan is gone, Kara has the chance to discover something about herself that she never knew before. But first she must learn to trust again. It won't be easy.
My Review:
Well, to tell the truth the first half of the book was not that captivating. It didn't really get into any detail. I mean yeah, Carlson does cover the finer points of being lonely...like wanting to stay in your room and not be around anyone. And the fact that you always want to cry.
I really liked the fact that Kara finally invited Jesus into her heart. I really is an amazing feeling when you invite Jesus into your heart. You feel all warm on the inside as if nothing could touch you. It's an awesome feeling.