Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nightmare Academy

Title: Nightmare Academy

Author(s): Frank Peretti


  • Enter a place where gravity is turned upside down, time runs backwards, and nightmares are real.
He was once a normal fifteen-year-old-boy. He had a name, a family, a school, and a life--and he thought he knew something. But that boy, and that life, and that time have become. . .nothing. His whole mind seems to have been erased.

There's no boy here anymore. No knowledge, no thought, no reason. Nothing but terror, endlessly repeating cycles of it, layer upon layer of it, in swirling sounds, images, and sensations.

Now he only stares into nothingness and whispers two ominous words . . .
Nightmare Academy

My Review:
This book was awesome an
d kept you thinking throughout the whole entire book. Why are they not allowed to speak and believe things freely? Why do they have to conform to one idea? What's going to happen to Elijah & Elisha if they are found out? It's just the type of book that keeps your mind reeling with every sentence. I mean you know that the bad guys always get caught in the end, but the question is still there in the back of your mind. Will they get what's coming to them or escape from everything and walk away free???