Title: Pitch Black: Color Me Lost
Author(s): Melody Carlson
If Morgan thought her life was tough before—what with a drug-addicted, klepto brother and a craddle-robbing mother—it just got worse. Last night her close friend Jason took his own life. Smart, funny, a good listener, and perfect in just about every way, Jason Harding is gone forever.
Someone please wake me from this nightmare.Jason's death sends Morgan reeling. She copes—or tries to—by attempting to piece together vague clues that might explain her friend's suicide. Making matters worse, Morgan can't help but feel responsible because she wasn't there for her friend when he needed her most. Sometimes she thinks maybe Jason had the right idea all along. Morgan feels lost in a pitch-black abyss, and her only way out is to turn back to the one Friend who will never leave her.
My Review:
1 Corinthians 15:55
"O Death, where is thy sting? O Hades, where is thy victory?"
I believe this verse has to say a lot to say about this book. One of my best friend's died in a car accident when he was 15-years-old. I never thought of taking my own life like Seth, Grace, and Morgan did. And by the end of the book, I'm glad that Grace and Morgan changed their minds, then talked Seth out of it. Because I agree with them, it wouldn't have solved anything. All it would have done would be cause more pain for the ones that cared for you. As reality has it, it is harder to live than to kill yourself. It may not seem like it, but it is. Just think about it, it takes no time for you to kill yourself, but it takes an commitment for eternity to live. You have to try everyday to stay alive. And suicide is permanent, so like Morgan said in the book, once you make that decision and act on it, there is no turning back. It's an irreversible act.