Title: Torch Red: Color Me Torn
Author(s): Melody Carlson
Zoë is certain she's the only teenager on the planet who's still a virgin—okay, except maybe abstinence princess Casey Renwick. The talk in the locker room makes sec sound so great—and maybe it is—but Zoë isn't so sure. The new girl in school, Shawna Frye, has done it, although she's the one girl who doesn't say much about it.
Maybe I should just do it and get it over with.When jock-boy Justin Clark asks Zoë out, she wonders if he could finally be the one. Nate, a die-hard Christian and real friend, encourages Zoë to consider exactly what it all means before she makes a life-defining decision. Behind the scenes, Shawna's dark secret threatens to change everyone's perspective on sex. But will Zoë find out before it's too late?
My Review:
Well, this book brings back plenty of memories. And none of them good except the fact that I accepted Jesus into my heart after everything went down. Kinda like Zoë did when Justin tried to rape her. I am very glad of the way she handled that situation. How she told him off and then all the virgins stand together at the end of the book. That was a nice way of ending it. I'm not going to make this review long. I'm getting a lot of uncomfortable thoughts.
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